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In Nanitor, an 'organization' typically corresponds to a company and includes users, assets, and all pertinent information such as inventory and security details. The structure facilitates efficient management of the IT infrastructure and assets, offering a comprehensive view and control over security issues. Users within an organization are usually from the security and IT divisions, who are charged with overseeing security and managing devices respectively. This model streamlines the task of maintaining a robust security posture within the company.

Most organization administration is done through the Organization Management settings. See more information under Organization Management.

User management

User management within an organization in Nanitor involves inviting users, configuring their authentication, and setting their permissions. This allows you to maintain control over who has access to your organization's data and what actions they are able to perform.

New users are invited to the organization by email. For step-by-step guidance see our help article: - How do I create a new user in my organization?

Please note that Nanitor provides two levels of permissions: guest and admin. The former grants view-only permissions, enabling the user to view data and information for all assets in the system, but does not allow any changes or access to settings. The latter, "Organization Admin", provides full permissions to the organization, including adding/removing users, viewing all data for assets under the organization, decommissioning devices, and access to the Organization signup key for adding more devices.

Configuring authentication

User authentication in Nanitor is managed by the system. When a new user is invited to join an organization, they receive an email invitation with a link. By clicking on this link, they are directed to a page where they can set their password and configure MFA if required. This process ensures that only authorized individuals have access to your organization's data and infrastructure. Users can also reset their passwords or MFA settings from their account settings page.

Nanitor supports robust authentication methods to ensure the security of your organization's data. The system supports password-based authentication, and it can be configured to require MFA for an additional layer of security. MFA methods supported include authenticator apps and hardware tokens.

Please note that the system's authentication settings apply to all users in the organization. It's critical to enforce strong authentication practices to protect your organization's data and infrastructure.

See more about authentication in Authentication options.

Technical policy

The Technical Policy is a cornerstone within an organization in Nanitor. It not only sets the security configuration baselines for your IT assets but also dictates how issues are configured and managed within your organization.

Configuration Baselines

The configuration baselines are developed based on Nanitor provided industry best practices, regulatory compliance requirements, and your own business-specific guidelines. These baseline configurations represent the approved standards and protocols that your IT assets should adhere to. In Nanitor, continuous monitoring of asset compliance is conducted against these baselines, alerting you promptly when settings change, and your assets are not in compliance.

Related help articles:

Issue Management

Within each organization, specific settings can be configured for different types of issues. For example, you can set whether an issue is part of the baseline, its severity, and the action to be taken. This applies to various categories of issues such as device issues, software issues, user issues, and port issues.

For instance, device issues could range from 'Rogue device discovered on network' to 'Disallowed port(s) open on device'. Software issues can be set to 'Soft' (issues only created on blacklisted items) or 'Detailed' (require whitelisting all software, issues created on anything not whitelisted). Similarly, settings can be defined for user issues and port issues.