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Identities overview

Identity security is a critical component of an organization's security posture, focusing on the management and security of user identities across various systems. These identities can include Windows local users, Active Directory (AD) users within a Windows domain, as well as Linux users and macOS users.

Identities are central to organizational security because they represent the digital credentials and permissions of individuals accessing data and systems. In essence, identities allow for the authentication and authorization of users, determining what data and resources a user can access and what actions they can perform within the network.

Just as assets (computers, servers, databases, etc.) are vital for storing and processing data, identities are crucial for ensuring that only authorized users can access and interact with these assets. With the proliferation of devices and the increasing complexity of networks, managing identities effectively ensures that organizations can safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access, thereby mitigating the risk of data breaches and other security threats.

Effective identity monitoring involves not just the initial authentication of users but also the continuous management of user access rights, the monitoring of user activities, and the ability to respond promptly to any suspicious actions that could indicate a security breach. By keeping a vigilant eye on identities, organizations can enforce security policies, comply with regulatory requirements, and protect the integrity and confidentiality of their data and systems.

Identity types

Nanitor detects the following types of identities:

  • Windows local user: A local user who has logged into a Windows machine.

  • Windows domain user: An Active Directory user irrespective of whether they have logged into any assets or just exist in the system.

  • Linux user: A user who has logged into a Linux-based asset.

  • Apple user: A user who has logged into a macOS asset.


To identify security issues, Nanitor performs checks of all detected identities. Issues related to identities have the Identity type.