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Project Details page

The Project Details page is the main view of a project in the Nanitor UI. It shows all relevant information regarding a project.

The Project Details page can be described in terms of the following display areas:

  • Project fields: The fields typically describe properties such as Username, Project type, etc.
  • Inventory lists: Tabbed information tables with rich information on the Project. More detail about each tab is given below.

Project fields

The Project fields include:

  • Name

  • Project type

  • Created by

  • Asset scopes: It can be All Assets or the list of selected assets and labels. Use the hints to view the full list.
  • Created At: A date when the project was created.
  • Status: This can be Backlog, In progress or Done. Use the drop-down list, to change the project status.
  • Progress: Allows tracking progress for a project.
  • Completed at: A date when the project was completed, i.e. its status has changed to Done.

Project actions

On the Project details page, you will find a range of actions available to help you manage the project, such as editing a project, archiving it, or assigning issues. These actions are available either through a button or the actions menu in the page header.

The following table provides a list of the actions available on the Project details page, along with a brief description of what each action does. Some of the actions are restricted to a certain state or a specific type of device; those restrictions are also listed in the table.

Action Description
Edit project Edit a project name, assignee, due date, as well as a project scope.
Assign/Unnassign issues Assign/unassign selected issues to a project.
Archive project Unassign all issues from the project and archive it.

Inventory lists

The inventory lists provide detailed information about the inventory related to the Project. Each list is accessible by clicking on the corresponding tab. The information included in each inventory list is documented below.


This tab contains the list of Project properties and attributes:

  • Details (this includes a project type, project creator, creation date and due date, a project assignee, assets scope, and a total number of project issues)
  • Jira (a possibility to create a Jira ticket for this project, if Jira integration has been enabled and a Jira account connected)
  • Comments (a section for adding comments and notes for the project)
  • Assets affected (the asset dashboard with the total number and labels of the affected assets, e.g., for the Issue resolution project it will list assets within the scope on which issues are actually found).
  • Status and progress (allows tracking progress for a project)


The Issues inventory list displays issues detected for an Issue resolution project.

This table includes the following columns for each issue in the list:

Column Description
Issue Represents the issue name and links to the issue detail.
Open since The timestamp at which time the issue was detected.
Type The type of the issue.
Highest Issue Priority The priority of the issue in terms of confidentiality (C), integrity (I) and availability (A).
NPS (Nanitor Prioritization Score) The prioritization score of the issue, which is determined by multiplying the issue priority and asset priority for each component and taking the highest result.
Asset Progress The number of issues where the issue has already been resolved of the total number of issues.
Action Click the three dots to open a menu that allows assigning the issue to other projects.


The Assets inventory list displays assets within the scope for the asset-related projects (Asset issue resolution, asset health hardening, upgrading/archiving assets, and assets onboarding).

This table includes the following columns for each asset in the list:

Column Description
Hostname The hostname of the asset.
Created At Date and time when the asset was added to the Nanitor system.
IP Addresses IP addresses on the local network interfaces on the asset.
Highest Asset Priority The priority of the asset in terms of confidentiality (C), integrity (I) and availability (A).
Health score The asset health score.
Issues The number of issues on the asset. Use the hyperlink to navigate to the issues list for the asset.

Activity log

The activity log is an event history and audit log regarding events and changes that Nanitor logs regarding the Project. The latest events are shown on top.

Note that additional information is available by expanding the event with the down arrow on the left.

The information for each event includes the following columns:

Expand/collapse arrow Expands to show full information regarding the event. Collapse to reduce the row height and show less information.
Event details The event message and field details (if expanded).
Time Timestamp when the event was logged.
Event type The type of the event, e.g., Security or Audit.
Triggered by Event trigger, either System or User. User triggered changes are typically due to changes made through the Nanitor UI, whereas system changes are due to automatic changes.
Severity The severity of the event: Low / Medium / High.