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Issue list export

Nanitor allows users to export a list of issues to the following formats:

  • CSV format: The resulting file contains a grid similar to what is displayed in Nanitor and can then be opened and edited in Excel and similar spreadsheet applications.
  • PDF report: This report contains several grids and charts based on the statistical data for the selected issues.

Exporting issues

To export issues:

  1. [for CSV export only] Filter the Issues list so that it contains issues to be exported.

  2. In the action menu on the top right, click Export.

  3. In the Export file modal window, select the report format.

  4. When exporting to the PDF report, you can optionally define additional options:

  5. Labels: Labels of the devices which issues will be included in the report.

  6. Issue type: Types of issues to be included in the report.

  7. Sections: Sections in the final report (see below).

  8. Click Export.

  9. The file is generated and downloaded to your machine.

CSV format

The exported CSV file contains the following columns:

  • created_at: The issue creation date and time in the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format with a defined timezone.
  • type: The issue type.
  • title: The issue name.
  • nps: The Nanitor Prioritization Score for the issue.
  • num_devices: The number of assets on which the issue is detected.
  • hostname: The list of hostnames of assets on which the issue is detected.
  • ips: The list of IPs of assets on which the issue is detected.

PDF report

The PDF report can include the following sections:

  1. Overview section: The section contains statistical information on the number of P0, P1, and P2 issues as well as the total issue count grouped by different parameters. Please note that the total issue count includes the number of all existing issues: P0, P1, P2, and issues without a priority.

  2. Number of Issues by Priority: The column chart for the number of P0, P1, and P2 issues as well as the total issues count.

  3. Number of Issues by Type: The table displaying the number of issues of each issue type.

  4. Number of Issues by Project: The list of the Issue resolution projects that are currently In progress or Backlog, and the number of issues in each of them.

  5. Number of Issues by Asset Type: The list of all types of assets with detected issues and the number of issues on each of them, and the column chart illustrating the total number of issues for each asset type.

  6. Number of Issues by Label: The list of existing labels and the number of issues for each of them.

  7. Number of Issues Resolved in the Last 30 Days: A pie chart illustrating the number of P0, P1, and P2 issues resolved in the last 30 days.

  8. Top 10 CISA Known Exploited Vulnerabilities: The list of issues found in CISA's Known Exploited Vulnerabilities list that have the highest Nanitor prioritization score (NPS).

  9. Top 100 issues: This section contains a list of the 100 issues with the highest Nanitor prioritization score (NPS).