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Global overview dashboard

The Global overview dashboard provides a high-level view of the security posture of all organizations to which you have access. It includes key metrics such as the number of issues found, top assets and organizations at risk and more. You can rearrange widgets on the dashboard as desired and also select widgets to be displayed.

Available widgets

  • Diamond overview: This widget displays the Issue diamond for all organizations. In the issue details grid, you can see the issue NPS (Nanitor prioritization score), issue description, its type, and the organization to which it belongs. To view issue details, click its description.
  • General overview: In this widget, for each organization, you can see the total number of assets, its health grade based on the health score, and the number of P0 issues detected in it.
  • Top organizations at risk: This widget displays the 50 organizations with the lowest health score. (If you have fewer than 50 organizations, they will all be displayed.) Those with the worst health score will be displayed first.
  • Issue overview: This widget displays the number of issues with P0, P1 and P2 priority for each organization.
  • Top assets at risk: This widget displays the 50 assets with the lowest health score across all organizations.
  • Projects: This widget displays projects that are in progress across all organizations.
  • Assets search: This widget allows entering the asset hostname or part of it or the asset FQDN to locate the asset within organizations and get information about its health.

The issue search widget allows you to locate issues within all organizations and see the list of assets across all the organizations where these issues are detected. Issues are grouped by their title. Vulnerability, Misconfiguration and Patches issues with the same name usually can be detected in multiple organizations. Other issue types are more often unique per organization.

Search for issues across all organizations

  1. In the Issue search widget, enter the issue title or identifier (for example, CVE) and click Search.

  2. The found issues are displayed as a grid with the following columns:

    • NPS: Nanitor prioritization score of the issue.

    • Issue: The issue titke.

    • Type: Issue type.

    • Organizations: The number of affected organizations, if the issue is detected in multiple organizations, or the organization name, if the issue is detected in a single organization.

    • Assets: the total number of affected assets.

  3. Data in the grid is grouped by the Issue (issue title) value.

  4. Rows can be expanded to get the list of organizations where the issue is found.

Global issue search

View the list of affected assets across all organizations

  1. Click the link in the assets column for the issue.

  2. The Global asset list page opens.

  3. The asset list for all organizations is displayed as a grid with the following columns:

    • Organization

    • Hostname

    • FQDN

    • Health

    • State

    • Type

    • Labels

    • Source

    • Last Activity

  4. Data in the grid can be filtered by the organization and asset type.

  5. You can view Asset details by clicking its hostname.

Global asset list