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Issue Details page

A detected issue has many aspects that need consideration. Nanitor helps you mitigate potential security risks both by prioritizing issues and by providing the necessary context needed to understand the issue and do due diligence. Nanitor keeps track of the complete history of the issue, and comments can be added on a given issue to pass information to other stakeholders.

Issue detail view - header

In the header of the issue detail view, you will get basic information about the detected issue, such as:

Property Description Options
State Issue state Open, Closed, Excluded
Open since Date and time since the issue was last discovered
Issue type The category the issue falls into Vulnerability, Misconfiguration, Patch, Identity, Software, PII, or Device
Project The remediation project(s) an issue has been assigned to
Prioritization score The issue's Nanitor Prioritization Score (NPS). Critical Impact Threat, High Urgency risk, and Moderate Risk Concern
Most critical asset priority Click the information icon near the label to see a tooltip showing which assets on which the issue has been detected have the highest confidentiality (C), integrity (I) and availability (A) scores. These values are used in the calculation of the issue's NPS.

Overview tab

Issue detail view - overview

The Overview tab contains the main information regarding an issue. For more detailed information, open the corresponding tab.

The Overview tab contains the following sections:

  • Issue properties:
    • Basic info: The issue state, open since date and time, first seen date and time, and issue type.
    • Priority: The issue prioritization score, priority scaling factor and issue priority in terms of confidentiality (C), integrity (I) and availability (A). By default, each issue has a priority scaling factor of 1. The scaling factor is an indicator of how important you rate a specific type of detected issue. The priority scaling factor can be overwritten for a single issue if needed or desired.
    • Jira: A link to the ticket in Jira, if available.
    • Health score impact: Information on how fixing the issue will impact the organization's overall health and health for the specific issue type (for example, vulnerability health or identity health).
    • External / Industry standards: For some types of issues, such as Vulnerability issues, this section displays information on whether the issue belongs to the [CISA Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog] ( and is considered ransomware, as well as its EPSS score and CVSS vectors. It also includes the list of compliance frameworks affected by this issue.
    • Project: The list of projects to which the issue is assigned.
  • Issue description: Short issue description.
  • Assets affected: General information on the number of assets affected by the issue, as well as OS and labels of these assets.
  • AI remediation insights: A tool for getting some artificially generated suggestions on remediation of the detected issue.
  • Comments: Comments, if any.

Inventory lists

The inventory lists provide detailed information about the inventory related to the issue. Each list is accessible by clicking on the corresponding tab. The information included in each inventory list is documented below.


Issue detail view - details

This tab displays details on the detected issue including its technical details, external links, if any, and remediation suggestions.


Issue detail view - exceptions

The Exceptions tab lists the exclusions made for the issue. This table includes the following columns for each exception in the list:

Column Description
Exception scope The labels of the assets on which the issue will be ignored. It also contains the explanation provided when the exception was created.
Created at The date and time of the exception creation.
Created by The nanitor user who has created the exception.
Action Possibility to remove the exception.


Issue detail view - forensics

This tab provides further information helpful for remediation purposes to identify exactly what Nanitor has detected and where. For vulnerabilities, the forensics tab is grouped by assets where the vulnerability has the same root cause. For Identity issues, the forensics tab provides information on the UI location of the detected issues for easier remediation

Inventory lists

The inventory lists provide detailed information about the inventory related to the issue. Each list is accessible by clicking on the corresponding tab.


Issue detail view - assets

The Assets Inventory list displays the list of assets on which the issue is detected. Please note, that the Assets tab is not displayed for Identity issues.

The information is displayed in the grid with the following columns:

Column Description
Created Date and time when the issue has been first detected on the asset.
Hostname The hostname of the asset.
Last Checked Indicates when the server last received findings related to this issue from the agent or collector.
OS Operating system on the asset.
IP Addresses IP addresses on the local network interfaces on the asset.
Asset Priority The asset priority on a scale of 1-10.
Issue Priority The issue priority on a scale of 1-10.
NPS The Nanitor prioritization score of the issue.
Action Allows adding an asset to exceptions or requesting re-check to verify that the issue has been resolved on this asset.

Identities (Identity issues only)

Issue detail view - identities

The Identities Inventory list displays details of the identity on which the issue is detected.

The information is displayed in the grid with the following columns:

Column Description
Created Date and time when the issue has been first detected on the identity.
Username The username of the identity.
Full Name The full name of the identity.
Location (Domain) The name of the asset (for local users) or a domain name (for Active Directory users).


Issue detail view - projects

The Projects Inventory list displays Issue resolution projects to which the issue is assigned.

The information is displayed in the grid with the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of the Project.
Status The status of the Project (Backlog, In progress or Done).
Scope The assets that are within scope for this project. It can be All assets or a list of selected assets and labels.
Assignee The user to whom the Project is assigned.
Due date The date by which the Project must be done.
Action Allows removing the issue from the project.

Activity log

Log of all events related to the issue. For example, it lists when an issue was detected or removed on a single asset, or when an exception has been added or removed.